VNA Master MS2025B
Modern RF/Microwave systems increasingly are pushing their performance to the limits of technology. Designers write tighter specifications on components and define more rigid signal parameters. All of which leaves Field Maintenance Personnel scrambling to find more accurate and yet affordable handheld test equipment. Anritsu introduces industry’s most affordable, yet comprehensive solution, the MS2025B VNA Master (500 kHz to 6 GHz). It’s a Vector Network Analyzer, it’s a Power Meter and it’s a Vector Voltmeter. It’s tempting to think of the VNA Master as the “Swiss Army Knife of S-Parameters”. But that would be wrong because while a SAK does many different functions, it doesn’t do any one very well. Whereas the VNA Master does many measurements very well. Error-corrected VNA technology brings modern accuracy to the field S-parameters, external power sensors measure transmit power accurately and the Vector Voltmeter option matches cable phase with great precision.
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